Boundaries In The Workplace
I was recently interviewed by the lovely Katie Charlton from Maximise Health Coaching about boundaries in the workplace.
The interview brought up so many issues that myself and others have faced (and still face) in the workplace – particularly in the corporate world.
With 3+ decades of Corporate experience, I am acutely aware of the issues faced on a daily basis, and how detremintal they are to our mental and physical health.
Boundaries in general are a form of self love and self respect.
They are also some of the hardest things to inplement when you’ve never done it before.
By setting boundaries in your personal life, you are declaring your wishes regarding:
Who you spend time with
What you do for others
How much extra that you take on in your daily life
How others speak to you
The respect you deserve
What you are willing to contribute in pretty much any area of your life
Boundaries in your workplace or business world are exactly the same as above, but also include things such as:
How much work you can realistically achieve
How you are treated by your colleagues
That you are equal to all others
The hours that you are available to work
Your designated lunch break is taken
You are not bullied in the workplace
Management and colleagues treat you with respect
Very often this is not organically achieved. We almost always need to speak up for ourselves which can be really tricky in a toxic environment and culture.